Method: createVirtualAndPhysicalNetwork

Create a virtual and physical network configuration. This operation creates an ExtremeControl rule, profile, policy mapping, policy role, and VLANs for the ExtremeControl configuration and domain. Enforce configuration changes after executing the web service.


Name Type Description
name string Name used for the ExtremeControl rule, profile, and policy mapping
nacConfig string ExtremeControl configuration name
domain string Domain name
isPrivateVlan boolean Set to true if it is a private VLAN
primaryVlanId int Primary VLAN ID
secondaryVlanId int Secondary VLAN ID, only required if isPrivateVlan is set to true. Otherwise it can be set to -1
mode string VLAN type, available options are:
forwardAsTagged boolean Set to true for forwarding tagged packets


Returns a string status describing whether the operation is successful.


Execute the following web service with a browser: