MAC to IP Mappings

Use the MAC to IP Mappings tab to view MAC to IP address mappings for devices with statically assigned IP addresses. You can also import a file of MAC to IP mappings to the list.

The MAC to IP mappings are sent to the ExtremeControl engines in the configuration enforce. The ExtremeControl engines use this table to resolve IP addresses.

MAC Address
The MAC address mapped to the static IP address.
IP Address
The statically assigned IP address.
A description of the mapping; for example, a description of the device with the statically assigned IP address.
Add Button
Opens the Add MAC to IP Mapping window where you can add a new mapping and description to the table.
Edit Button
Opens the Edit MAC to IP Mapping window where you can edit the IP address and description for a mapping.
Delete Button
Deletes the selected MAC to IP mapping.
Import Button
Use the Import button to import a file of MAC to IP mappings to the list. In the file, MAC to IP mappings must be listed in CSV format, with one mapping for each line. All three columns are required even if the description is empty. For example:
02:0A:40:0B:01:44,,description of mapping
34:34:34:44:44:48,,description of mapping
MAC addresses can be delimited with colons (:), periods (.), or dashes (-), but they display in the table with colons. Lines starting with "#" or "//" are ignored.
Export Button
Use the Export button to export the MAC to IP Mappings to CSV file. The following columns are part of the exported file: "macAddress,ipAddress,description".