Manage Access Control End System Zones

Use the Access Control Manage End Systems Zones tab to manage and configure end system zones. End system zones enable you to group end systems into zones, and then limit an ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine user’s access to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine end system information and configuration based on those zones.

To access the Manage End System Zones tab, navigate to the Access Control tab and expand the Global & Engine Settings tab in the left-panel.

Access Control Profiles

The Manage End Systems Zones window includes the following buttons and functionality:

Edit Button
Use this button to open the Edit User Group window, where you can add or edit an end-system zone for the selected user group.

The Manage End System Zones table includes the following columns:

User Group
The Authorization Group that defines the capabilities to which users have access in ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine. Authorization Groups are configured on the Administration > Users tab.
Authorized Zones
The end-system zones that users in the group are able to manage. A blank value in this column signifies the User Group can manage all end-system zones.
Authorized Rule Component Groups
Determines the rule component groups that can be used by the User Group.

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