Reports Features

ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Reports provide historical and real-time reporting, offering high-level network summary information as well as detailed reports and drill-downs.

Reports Features

ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine reports include the following features (depending on the report selected):

  • Hover Over for Info — Hover over a pie section to display the name of the segment, the percentage represented by the segment and the number of elements. for some reports, selecting a pie section opens a filtered end-systems grid for more detailed information.
    Top Networks by Clients and Bandwidth
  • Drill-down for Details — Link to summary reports containing more detailed information. For example, in the Controller Summary report, selecting a controller shows a detailed report for that controller over time.
    Drill Down Link

  • Interactive Tables — Manipulate table data in several ways to customize the view for your own needs:
    • Select the column headings to perform an ascending or descending sort on the column data.
    • Hide or display different columns by selecting a column heading drop-down arrow and selecting the column options from the menu.
    • Filter, sort, and search the data in each column in the table.

  • Interactive Charts — Use data-point rollovers for quick information on chart data. For example, in the Controller Summary report, rolling over the value reported for Bandwidth provides additional bandwidth statistics over time.
    Data Point Rollover

  • Sparkline Charts — View network trends in dense, succinct charts that present report data in an easy to read, condensed format. This provides you with a quick way to catch possible problem areas that you can investigate further. Rollover charts for additional information.
    Sparkline Charts
  • CSV Export Export to CSV — Save report data to a file in CSV format to provide report data in table form.

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