Apply a Custom DHCP Fingerprint .XML Definitions File to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine

You can apply a custom DHCP fingerprint by importing an .xml definitions file to the Detection and Profiling table on the Administration > Device Types tab.

  1. Navigate to the Administration > Device Types tab.
  2. Select the Definitions and Profiling tab.
  3. Select the Import button.

  4. The Import Device Type Profiles window opens.

  5. Select the Select File button to choose an existing .xml definitions file from your directory.
  6. You can also copy and paste the following sample DHCP fingerprint configuration into the File field:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <DHCP last_updated="2020-11-12-05:00" author="jsmith">
    <fingerprint os="Example" os_class="Windows" os_url="" comments="Example Device Type" author="jsmith" lastmodified="2020-11-12-05:00">
    <test weight="5" matchtype="exact" dhcptype="Any" dhcpmacoui="Extreme Networks, Inc."/>
    <test weight="5" matchtype="exact" dhcptype="Any" dhcpmacoui="00-00-AB"/>
    <test weight="10" matchtype="exact" dhcptype="Inform" dhcpvendorpartial="Extreme" dhcpttl="23"/>
    <test weight="5" matchtype="exact" dhcptype="Request"/>
    <test weight="5" matchtype="exact" dhcptype="Discover" dhcpoptions="1,2,3,4,5,6"/>
    <test weight="5" matchtype="exact" dhcptype="Any" dhcpoption55="1,2,3,4,5,6" dhcphostname="extremenetworks" dhcpvendorcode="Extreme Networks, Inc." dhcpttl="2"/>

    • The DHCP tag is required.
    • One or more tests are required within a fingerprint.
    • The "weight" and "matchtype" attributes are required.
    • The "dhcpoptions" and "dhcpoption55" attributes are mutually exclusive.
    • The "weight" attribute has a valid range of 1 - 99.
    • The "matchtype" attribute must have the value "exact".
    • The "dhcptype" attribute has valid values of "Any", "Inform", "Request", "Discover".
    • The "dhcpmacoui" attribute can be an exact match of the company name which holds the OUI, which is included on the Administration > Device Types > MAC OUI Vendors tab.
    • The "dhcpmacoui" attribute can be a hexadecimal string formatted "00-11-22".
    • The "dhcpttl" attribute has a valid range of 1 - 255.
    • The "dhcpvendorpartial" attribute is a partial vendor name.
    • The "dhcpvendorcode" attribute is the full vendor name.
    • The "dhcpoptions" attribute is a comma-separated list of the available DHCP option numbers.
    • The "dhcpoptions55" attribute is a comma-separated list of the option numbers used for fingerprint matching
    • The "dhcphostname" attribute is the hostname of the device.
  7. Select Import to import your .xml definitions file as a custom DHCP fingerprint to the Detection and Profiling table.

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