SBI Options

Selecting SBI in the left panel of the Options tab provides the following view, where you can configure the settings related to the Southbound Interface in ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine. The Southbound Interface provides communication via a REST call between ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine and a device.

Changing a value from the system default causes a Default Value button to appear. Selecting this button changes the field back to the system default value.

JSON-RPC Use HTTPS on ExtremeXOS/Switch Engine Script
Selecting the JSON-RPC Use HTTPS on ExtremeXOS/Switch Engine Script option causes ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine to use the HTTPS protocol when communicating with a device for an ExtremeXOS/Switch Engine script.
SBI Engine Transaction Timeout
Enter the amount of time after which the Southbound Interface times out the communication attempt between ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine and a device.

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