Manage Inputs

Use the Manage Inputs window to configure the variables available on the Inputs tab of an activity included in a workflow on the Tasks > Workflows tab.

Access this window by selecting an activity in a workflow on the Tasks > Workflows tab, selecting the Inputs tab in the right panel and selecting Manage Inputs.

Display Name
The name of the field on the Input tab.
Display Type
The type of field you are adding, which determines the way in which values are selected or entered.

Valid options include:
  • Text Field — Provides an open field into which text is entered.
  • Display Field — Provides a text field.
  • Email — Provides a field into which an email address is entered.
  • Password — Provides an open field into which users enter a password. The password field contains an Eye icon that exposes or hides the password when selected.
  • Textarea — Provides a open field into which users can enter a large amount of text.
  • Timer — Provides a box into which users select an amount of time.
  • ComboBox — Provides a drop-down list from which users select values. Configure the available values in the drop-down list using the Valid Values field.
Valid Values
If the Display Type is ComboBox, enter the values you are able to select from the drop-down list in a comma-separated list.
 NOTE:Valid Values can contain alphanumeric characters as well as special characters (for example, a period (.), but can not contain a comma (,) as it is reserved for separating values. The list of values configured in the Valid Values field allows up to 1024 characters.
Variable Reference
Select the variable on which the variable you are creating is dependent via the drop-down list.
Indicates whether the field is required for the activity.
Prompt User
Indicates whether the field prompts users for a value when the workflow runs.
 NOTE:Select an activity and enter a value in the Custom Inputs field on the Inputs tab to populate a default value you can override when running an activity with the Prompt User checkbox selected.

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