How to Create a Service

Services are sets of rules that define how network traffic for a particular network service or application should be handled by a network access device. A service might consist of only one rule governing, for example, email priority, or it might consist of a complex set of rules combining class of service, filtering, rate limiting, and access control (VLAN) assignment. ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine policy allows you to create Local Services (services unique to the current domain) and Global Services (services common to all domains). Global Services let you easily create and manage services shared between all your domains.

Services can be one of two types: Manual Service or Automated Service.

  • Manual Service  Manual Service Icon — This service consists of one or more traffic classification rules you create based on your requirements. Manual services are good for applying customized sets of rules to roles.
  • Automated Service  Automatic Service Icon — This service automatically creates a rule with a specified action (class of service and/or access control), for each device in a particular network resource group or groups. You create a network resource group using a list of MAC or IP addresses, and then associate the group with the Automated service (see How to Create a Network Resource for more information). Automated rule types include Layer 2 MAC Address rules, Layer 3 IP Address and IP Socket rules, and Layer 4 IP UDP Port and IP TCP Port rules.

To create a service using the service tabs, right-click the Services tab and select Create Service. If you are creating a Manual service, you can then use the Create Rule menu option and the tabs for the rule to define the rules for the service. You can also use the service tabs and rule tabs to modify an existing service and its rules.

Once you've created a service, you can apply it to any number of roles in the Policy tab. A role may utilize both Manual and Automated services.

Instructions on:

Using the Service Tabs

The following steps depend on whether you are creating a Manual or an Automated service. For an Automated service, you create the service, select the newly created service, and define the class of service and/or access control for the service in the right-panel. For a Manual service, you create the service and then use the Create Rule menu option and the tabs for the rule to define the rules for the service.

Creating an Automated Service
  1. In the left panel, select the Service Repository tab.
  2. Expand either the Local Services tab or the Global Services tab depending on whether you want the service to be local (unique to the current domain) or global (shared between all your domains).
  3. Right-click on the Services tab and select Create Automated Service. A New Service item is created in the left panel in a highlighted box.
  4. Type the service name in the Create window. The service name is case-sensitive; therefore, ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine policy sees Engineer and engineer as two different service names. Select OK. If you don't do this, the name remains New Service. The right-panel displays the service you created.
  5. Define the rule's traffic description and actions, and enter a description of the service, if desired. For information on configuring the fields on this tab, see the Automated Service window Help topic.
  6. Enforce to write the new information to your devices.
Creating a Manual Service
  1. In the left panel, select the Service Repository tab.
  2. Expand either the Local Services tab or the Global Services tab depending on whether you want the service to be local (unique to the current domain) or global (shared between all your domains).
  3. Right-click on the Services tab and select Create Service. A New Service item is created in the left panel in a highlighted box.
  4. Type the service name in the Create window. The service name is case-sensitive; therefore, the Policy view sees Engineer and engineer as two different service names. Select OK. If you don't do this, the name remains New Service. The service is created.
  5. Define rules for the service. For more information, see Using the Rule General Tab.
  6.   NOTE: When you add more than one rule to a service, ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine checks for conflicts with other rules in the service. See Conflict Checking for more information.
  7. Enforce to write the new information to your devices.

Modifying a Service

Once you've created a service, you can change its characteristics by selecting the service or its rules in the left-panel Services tab and using the menu options or associated right-panel tabs.

Modifying a Service Description

You can edit the description for the service by selecting it and selecting the Edit button beside the Description field in the right-panel. Enter a description in the Edit Description window and select Save to save the change to the database.

Modifying a Service Name
  1. In the left panel, select the Service Repository tab.
  2. Expand the Local or Global Services tab and then the Services tab, and select the service you want to modify.
  3.   NOTE: If the service is a member of a service group and it's more convenient, you can find the service under the service group in the Service Groups folder. Any change you make to the name there are also reflected in the Services tab.
  4. Right-click the service whose name you want to change, and select Rename.
  5. Type the new name in the Rename window.
  6. Select OK to save the change to the database.
Modifying the Roles for a Service

You can see all the roles associated with a particular service in the Role/Service Usage window.

  1. In the left-panel Roles tab, select the Role to which you are adding or removing a service.
  2. Select the Add/Remove button in the Services section of the window to open the Add/Remove Services window.
    • Add a service by selecting it from the All Services & Service Groups column and moving it to the Selected Services & Service Groups column by selecting the right arrow.
    • Remove a service by selecting it from the Selected Services & Service Groups column and moving it to the All Services & Service Groups column by selecting the left arrow.
  3. Select OK to save the changes.
  4. Enforce to write the new information to your devices.
Adding a Service to Roles

A newly created service can be added to multiple roles using the Add to Role(s) menu.

  1. In the left panel, select the Roles/Services drop-down list.
  2. Right-click the service or service group(s) and select Add to Role(s).
  3. Select one of more Roles to add to the selected Service/Service Group(s) to.
  4. Select OK to save the changes.
Modifying the Rules for a Manual Service
  1. Select the left-panel Services tab and locate the service you want to modify.
  2.   NOTE: If the service is a member of a service group and it's more convenient, you can find the service under the service group in the Service Groups tab. Any change you make to the rule there will also be reflected in the Services tab.
  3. Select the service to display its rules.
  4. Select the rule you want to change, then use the right-panel tabs to make your changes.
  5. Enforce to write the new information to your devices.
Modifying an Automated Service
  1. Open the left-panel Services tab.
  2.   NOTE: If the service is a member of a service group and it's more convenient, you can find the service under the service group in the Service Groups tab. Any change you make to the service there are also reflected in the Services tab.
  3. Select the service you want to modify. The Automated Service window opens in the right panel.
  4. Modify the characteristics of the Automated service as required.
  5. Enforce to write the new information to your devices.
Deleting a Service

Deleting a service removes the service and its rules. If copies of the rules exist for other services, those copies are not affected by the deletion. However, deleting the service removes it from any service groups and roles with which it was associated, so be sure the service is not needed before you delete it. Deleting a Global service deletes the service from all your domains.

  1. Select the left-panel Roles/Services > Service Repository tab.
  2. Expand the Services tab in either the Local Services or Global Services tab, depending on the type of service you are deleting.
  3.   NOTE: If the service is a member of a service group and it's more convenient, you can find the service under the service group in the Service Groups tab. Any change you make to the service there are also reflected in the Services tab.
  4. Right-click the service you want to delete, and select Delete.
  5. Select Yes to confirm, then OK to clear the confirmation message.
  6. Enforce to write the change to your devices.

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