How to Set the Map Scale

You can use the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Maps feature to set the scale of a map of devices or wireless access point (APs) in your network.

In order to edit maps, you must be a member of an authorization group assigned the OneView > Maps > Maps Read/Write Access capability.

Setting the Map Scale

The map scale appears in the lower left corner of a map and can be changed to accurately reflect your map image.

Use the following steps to set the scale for a map.

  1. In the Maps page's navigation tree, right-click on the map and select Maps > Edit Map or select the File > Edit button in the map properties panel.
  2. Select the map scale in the map's footer panel to open the Set Map Scale window. (Users can access the Set Map Scale window from the Tools menu.)

    Maps Scale

    Set Map Scale
  3. To set the scale, you must measure something in the map using a scaling line, and then set the measurement for the line. For example, in an office floor plan, measure a scaling line on the opening of an office. If you know the office doors are 33 inches wide, enter that as the scaling line measurement.
    1. Select on the map to mark the start of the scaling line. Move the cursor and select again to mark the end of the scaling line.
    2. Enter the line length and units.
  4. Select Save. The map scale is automatically adjusted and the map is saved.

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