Convert from Air Gap to Connected deployment

Follow this procedure if you need to convert from Air Gap mode to Connected mode.

  1. Check the connectivity from ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine to ExtremeCloud IQ. If there is a connectivity issue, fix it before continuing.
  2. Make all of the devices managed or delete all unmanaged devices from ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine.

  3. Revoke all Air Gap licenses. For information on how to revoke the licenses, see Revoke Air Gap License.
  4. Go to HTTPS://<SiteEngineIP>:8443/xiqLicenseSetup.jsp?setupMode=Auto
  5. If you do not have an ExtremeCloud IQ account, then you need to create one.
  6. If your ExtremeCloud IQ account is not linked to your Extreme Portal account, follow the procedure in the Activation Instructions.
  7. Onboard ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine to ExtremeCloud IQ. For more information on how to onboard Site Engine, see Logging into ExtremeCloud IQ - Site Engine.
  8. Restart your ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine server.

After the restart, your Site Engine is ready to use.
