Inventory Settings

Use this window to configure the file transfer method as well as the firmware and MIB download settings for a device.

This window is accessible by selecting a device and selecting the Menu icon () and selecting Archives > Inventory Settings from the menu or by right-clicking a device and selecting Archives > Inventory Settings on the Network > Devices tab.

File Transfer Mode
The file transfer method used by the device.

Valid file transfer methods are:
  • TFTP
  • FTP
  • SCP
  • SFTP
Server for Firmware Downloads
The server from which devices access new firmware images during upgrades. Selecting the default Mapped Server indicates the firmware downloads use the server IP addresses you define in the Inventory Manager options.
Air-gap Upgrade
Select the checkbox if ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine can upgrade the ExtremeControl and ExtremeAnalytics engines without an internet connection.
 NOTE:License upgrade without an internet connection (Air Gap mode licensing) is not available in this release.
Enter the HTTP proxy IP address ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine uses to upgrade the ExtremeControl and ExtremeAnalytics engines.
HTTP Proxy Port
Enter the HTTP proxy port ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine uses to upgrade the ExtremeControl and ExtremeAnalytics engines.
HTTP Proxy User
Enter the username with permission to access the IP address defined in the HTTP Proxy IP field.
HTTP Proxy Password
Enter the password for the user defined in the HTTP Proxy User field.
Firmware Download MIB
The Firmware Download MIB supported by this device type. If the device type supports more than one Firmware Download MIB, use the drop-down list to select the desired MIB. In addition to a list of MIBs, other menu options include:
  • Controlled by Device TypeExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine reads the Firmware Download MIB on the first device of this device type that you add or import, and displays it here. ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine uses that MIB to perform firmware and boot PROM downloads on all devices of this device type.
  • Disabled — Firmware download functionality is not allowed for this device type.
  • Script — Allows the firmware download function to be executed through the use of a script. Use this option when upgrading the ExtremeControl and ExtremeAnalytics engines as well as for third-party devices that do not support the required SNMP MIBs.
Configuration Download MIB
The Configuration Download MIB supported by this device type. If the device type supports more than one Configuration Download MIB, use the drop-down list to select the desired MIB. In addition to a list of MIBs, other menu options include:
  • Controlled by Device TypeExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine reads the Configuration Download MIB on the first device of this device type that you add or import, and displays it here. ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine uses that MIB to perform archive operations on all devices of this device type.
  • Disabled — Archive functionality is not allowed for this device type.
  • Script — Allows the archive function to be executed through the use of a script. Use this option for third-party devices that do not support the required SNMP MIBs.
Device Family Definition Filename
If Script is selected as Firmware Download MIB or Configuration Download MIB, select the file containing the scripts. Device Family Definition Files include all the scripts and data for each supported function for specific third-party devices. ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine provides sample Definition Files for a variety of devices.

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