Unavailable Devices Report

The Unavailable Devices report provides detailed information for devices with which ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine cannot communicate ( Status of Down).

The following columns are included in the report:

Device Status
This column, hidden by default, indicates whether there is contact with the device. The color of the circle indicates the degree to which the device is communicating:
  • Green icon () — Indicates ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine is in contact with the device.
  • Yellow icon () — Indicates ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine has issues contacting the device.
  • Red icon () — Indicates ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine can not contact the device.

Hover over the Device Status icon to view additional details about the status for that device.
Indicates the device/alarm status for the device. The icon indicates the severity of the most severe alarm on the device:
  • Red icon (Critical Alarm Severity) — A critical problem with significant implications.
  • Orange icon (Error Alarm Severity) — An error with limited implications.
  • Yellow icon (Warning Alarm Severity) — A warning that might lead to a problem.
  • Blue icon (Info Alarm Severity) — Information only; not a problem.
  • Green icon (Clear Alarm Severity) — ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine can contact the device.

Hover over the status icon to view the number of alarms. Select the alarm/device status icon to open a new page with detailed information about the alarms for that device.
Device ID
This column, hidden by default, displays a number that serves as a database identifier automatically created for the device. This number increments as you add additional devices.
The device name, nickname, or IP address.
The site in which the device is located.
Poll Type
This column, hidden by default, indicates the poll type ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine uses to discover devices: SNMP, Ping or Not Polled.
Poll Group Name
This column, hidden by default, indicates the name of the Poll Group you define in the Poll Groups section of the Status Polling options.
Admin Profile
This column, hidden by default, indicates the access Profile that gives ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine administrative access to the device.
Client Profile
This column, hidden by default, indicates the access Profile that gives ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine client access to the device.
IP Address
The device's IP address.
The Context column, hidden by default, displays a string that indicates how the device behaves, depending on whether the device is a router or a switch.
IP Context
The IP Context column, hidden by default, displays a device's IP address with the context appended to the end of the address following a colon.
Trap Status
Indicates whether a trap receiver is configured, not configured, or not supported for the device. This column is hidden by default.
Syslog Status
Indicates whether the device is configured to send information to the syslog or if it is not supported for the device. This column is hidden by default.
Display Name
The IP address of the device. This column is hidden by default.
Device Type
The type of device.
The device product family.
The revision for the firmware running in the device.
Running Reference Firmware
Indicates if the device's thresholds have been configured for Reference Firmware
The firmware release status for the device according to the results from the latest Check for Firmware Updates operation. Place your cursor on the column to see a tooltip describing the status.
Indicates if the device has been archived in the last 30 days.
Config Changed
Indicates if the archived configuration for the device has changed in the last 30 days.
Policy Domain
The policy domain assigned to the device.
The revision for the BootPROM installed on the device.
Base MAC
The base MAC address for the device.
Serial Number
The serial number for the device.
Displays whether statistics collection is enabled or disabled on the device. A black check mark indicates that historical collection is enabled, a blue check mark indicates that threshold alarms collection (formerly monitor collection) is enabled.
The physical location of the device. You can set the location for one or more devices by selecting the devices in the table, right-clicking, and selecting Set Selected Location from the menu.
The name of the responsible contact person. You can set the contact for one or more devices by selecting the devices in the table, right-clicking, and selecting Set Selected Contact from the menu.
System Name
Hostname for the device taken from the System Name field on the Device tab of the Configure Device window. You can set the system name for a device by selecting the device in the table, right-clicking, and selecting Device > Configure Device.
The amount of time, in a days hh:mm:ss format, that the device has been running since the last start-up.
The user-defined nickname for the selected device.
A description of the unavailable device.
User Data 1-4, Notes
These columns can provide additional information about the device.

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