Scripts Overview

The Scripts tab allows you to view pre-defined scripts provided by ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine, and allows you to create your own scripts.

ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine scripts are files containing python scripts, CLI commands, control structures, and data manipulation functions. Scripts can be executed on one or more devices or ports: simultaneously on multiple devices or ports, or on one device or port at a time.

You can create tasks, which run a script on specified devices or ports at specified times, either on a one-time or recurring basis. Tasks execute the script according to a schedule you configure.

To display the scripts configured in ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine, open Tasks > Scripts.

Scripts Tab

Script Type
The language in which the script is written.
The name of the script. The script Name is defined when adding the script and can not be edited.
The script category, if configured. The Category indicates the purpose of the script.
Saved Tasks
A check mark in this column indicates the script is configured as a saved task and is available on the Saved Tasks tab.
A check mark in this column indicates the task is included in a workflow.
Modified By
The name of the last user to modify the script.
Comments or a description of the script.
Date Modified
The date the script was last modified.

Double-click a script to open the Edit Script window.

script editor dialog

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