How to Create and Use Domains

ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine provides the ability to create multiple policy configurations by allowing you to group your roles and devices into Policy Domains. A Policy Domain contains any number of roles and a set of devices that are uniquely assigned to that particular domain. For example, a university can have a Dormitory domain with a policy configuration created for students, and an Administration domain with a policy configuration for staff members.

You can create multiple domains and easily switch from one domain to another. You can also export policy domain configuration data to a .pmd file, (one file per domain)  for backup and troubleshooting purposes, and you can import data from a .pmd file into a policy domain.

In order for your network devices to be displayed in the Policy tab's left-panel Devices tab, they must be assigned to a Policy Domain. Initially, you must use a device Discover to add your devices to the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine database. After your devices are in the database, you can assign the devices to a Policy Domain. As soon as the devices are assigned to a domain, they are automatically displayed in the Policy tab's left-panel Devices tab. Only devices that support policy are displayed.

ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine automatically locks the current Policy Domain when you begin to edit the domain configuration. Other users are notified that the domain is locked and they are not be able to save their own domain changes until the lock is released. For more information, see Controlling Client Interactions with Locks. After a modification is made, you must save the domain to notify all clients that are viewing that domain of the change, and automatically update their view with the new configuration.

Instructions on:

Creating a New Domain

Use these steps to create a new Policy Domain.

  1. Select Open/Manage Domain > Create Domain.
  2. Enter the name for the new domain. Select OK.
  3. A new (blank) Domain opens.
  4. Select the Global Domain Settings > Do Not Use Global Services checkbox if you don't want the domain to include and display services common to all domains.
  5. Proceed with assigning devices to the domain and then configuring the desired policies.
Opening a Domain

In ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine, you work in one current domain at a time. To change to a different domain, use the Open/Manage Domain > Open Domain menu to select the desired domain. If you have made changes to the current domain, you are prompted to update the database with the current domain configuration prior to opening the new domain.

Assigning Devices to a Domain

Initially, you must perform a device Discover to add a device to the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine database. After your devices have been added to the database, you must assign the devices to a Policy Domain. A device can exist in only one Policy Domain. As soon as the devices are assigned to a domain, they are automatically displayed in the Policy tab's left-panel Devices tab. Only devices assigned to the Policy Domain you are currently viewing are displayed in the tab.

Use these steps to assign devices to a Policy Domain.

  1. If necessary, open the domain to which you want to assign devices.
  2. Select Open/Manage Domain > Assign Devices to Domain. The Assign Devices to Domain window opens.
  3. Devices in the database but not assigned to a domain are listed in the left-panel Unassigned folder (including devices that do not support policy). The left panel also displays any other domains and the devices assigned to those domains. Use the drop-down list to select a single domain or All Other Domains. If you select All Other Domains, use the bottom panel to view the domain to which each device is assigned.

    Note: Select the search icon to search for a device. A search box is available to filter through the visible device tree.

  4. The right panel displays the current domain and the devices assigned to that domain. To add a device to the current domain, select the device in the left panel and select Add. You can also select and add multiple devices.
  5. To remove a device from the current domain, select the device and select Remove. This removes the device from the current domain and places it back in the device tree as either unassigned or as a member of the domain from which it came. It does not delete the device from the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine database.
  6. Select OK.
  7. The selected devices are assigned to the current domain and displayed in the Policy tab left-panel Devices tab. (Only devices that support policy are assigned to the domain and displayed.)
Removing Devices From a Domain

Removing a device from a domain, removes the device from the Devices tab and places it in the Unassigned folder in the Assign Devices to Domain window.

  NOTE: Removing a device from a domain does not delete the device from the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine database. To delete a device from the database, right-click on the device in the left-panel Devices tab, and select Delete from the menu. When a device is deleted from the database, it is automatically removed from ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine and the Devices tab.
  1. If necessary, open the domain from which you want to remove devices.
  2. Select Open/Manage Domain > Assign Devices to Domain. The Assign Devices to Domain window opens.
  3. The right panel displays the current domain and the devices assigned to that domain. To remove a device from the current domain, select the device from the Current Domain right-panel and select the left arrow. This removes the device from the current domain and places it back in the device tree as either unassigned or as a member of the domain from which it came. It does not delete the device from the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine database.
  4. Select OK.
Importing a File into a Domain

You can import policy data from a PMD file into a Policy Domain.

  1. Make sure that the domain you want to import a file into is your current domain.
  2. Select Open/Manage Domain > Import/Export > Import From File. The Import from File window opens.
  3. Enter the name and path for the data file (PMD) you want to import, or browse to the file. Selecting Select File, opens a dialog box from which you can select a data file by searching your local drive or a network drive.
  4. Select the specific data elements you want to import or select Select All to select all the data import options. See Data Elements to Import for important information on each element and how they are imported.
  5. To append, update, or overwrite the global rules with the PMD file you are importing, select the Global Services & Rules checkbox.
  6. Select how you want the imported data applied to your current domain. Select the links below for detailed information on how each specific action affects the import of certain data elements.
    • Append data to existing elements
    • Update existing data with elements from domain
    • Overwrite existing elements
  7. Select OK. The data elements are imported and see a message regarding import status.
Exporting a Domain to a File

You can export policy data from a Policy Domain to a PMD file.

  1. Select Open/Manage Domain > Import/Export > Export to File.
  2. Select the Domain to save as a PMD file.
  3. Select Export.
  4. The Policy Domain is downloaded to the default file download location.
Generating a Policy Report for a Domain

You can generate a summary report of the current domain's policy configuration in PDF format. Each report contains a description of the domain, plus a detailed summary of each of the domain's roles and services, and the rules contained in each service. In addition, the report provides information on the devices assigned to the domain, the domain's Network Resources, Class of Service information (including transmit queues and rate limiting information), and VLAN information.

  1. Make sure that the domain you want to generate a report on is selected as your current domain.
  2. Select Domain > Generate Policy Report.
  3. The report is saved to the following directory: Documents and Settings\<user home directory>\Application Data\NetSight\System\PolicyMgr.
Importing Data from a Domain

You can import policy configuration data from one policy domain into another.

  1. Ensure your current domain is the domain into which you want to import data.
  2. Select Open/Manage Domain > Import/Export > Import From Domain. (This menu option is not available if only one domain exists, as there are no other domains from which to import data.) The Import from Domain window opens.
  3. Use the drop-down list to select the domain whose data you want to import.
  4. Select the specific data elements you want to import or select Select All to select all the data import options. See Data Elements to Import for important information on each element and how they are imported.
  5. Select how you want the imported data applied to your current domain. Select the links below for detailed information on how each specific action affects the import of certain data elements.
    • Append data to existing elements
    • Update existing data with elements from domain
    • Overwrite existing elements
  6. Select Import. The data elements are imported and you see a message regarding import status.
Saving a Domain

After a Policy Domain has been changed, you must save the domain to notify all clients using that domain of the change and automatically update their tab with the new configuration. An asterisk (*) is displayed beside the Policy tab title when you have made changes to the domain that need to be saved. You can save a Policy Domain by selecting Open/Manage Domain > Save Domain. To discard unsaved changes you made to a domain, open the Open/Manage Domains > Open Domain menu and select the domain in which you are currently working.

Reading a Domain

Reading a Policy Domain lets you update your current Policy Domain with the latest saved domain data. You can read a Policy Domain by selecting File > Read Policy Domain or by selecting the Read toolbar button.

Renaming a Domain

You can rename the current Policy Domain by selecting Open/Manage Domain > Rename Domain and entering a new name.

Deleting a Domain

You can delete one or more Policy Domains by selecting Open/Manage Domain > Delete Domain.

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