Restore Archive

Use the Restore Archive window to restore saved (archived) device configuration files to one or more devices. Saved configurations are listed in the left-panel of the Archives tab under the appropriate archive and version. Each configuration displays an icon that identifies the type of saved data:  device configuration data (), capacity planning data (), both device configuration and capacity planning data (). Only configurations that include device configuration data ( and  ) are available to be restored.

A configuration can only be restored to a device with the same IP address. This means the device from which an archive is saved and the device to which the archive is restored must be identical. Configurations can be restored to a single device or multiple devices. A TFTP or FTP server must be running to restore a configuration.

To access the window, right-click an archive version or an archive configuration from the left-panel of the Archives tab or from the main panel and select Restore.

Archive Version Selection Window

Use this window to select an archive version or single configuration to restore. Select the archive version or configuration in the Archives list and select the right arrow button > to move it to the restore list. If you select an archive version, use the left arrow button < to remove any individual configurations included in the archive version you do not wish to restore.

Restore Archive


This panel displays your current archives as they are listed in the left-panel of the Archives tab. Below each archive name are the archive versions, displayed by the date and time the archive occurred. Under the versions are the individual configurations, listed by IP address of the device. Each configuration displays an icon that identifies the type of saved data: device configuration data (), capacity planning data (), both device configuration and capacity planning data (). Only configurations that include device configuration data (   and  ) are available to be restored.

Expand the folders under the Archives tree and select the archive version or configuration you want to restore. Select the right arrow button > to add the configurations to the Configurations to Restore table.

  TIPS: If you open the Restore Archive window from an archive version or configuration in the left-panel of the Archives tab, the selected configuration(s) automatically displays under Configurations to Restore.

Check the FW Match column to see if the current firmware version on the device matches the firmware version on the device at the time of the archive.

Configurations to Restore

Displays the configurations you selected to restore. Select a configuration and use the left arrow button < to remove any individual configurations you do not wish to restore.

Configuration IP
The IP address of the device with the saved configuration.
The name of the archive operation that saved the configuration.
Version Date
The date and time the archive operation occurred.
FW Match
A indicates the current firmware version installed in the device matches the firmware version installed in the device at the time of the configuration save.
Config FW
The firmware version installed in the device at the time of the configuration save.
Device FW
The current firmware version installed in the device.
Right Arrow Button
In the Archives tree, select the archive version or configuration you want to restore, and select > to add it to the Configurations to Restore table.
Left Arrow Button
Select a configuration in the Configurations to Restore table, and select < to remove it from the table.

Restore Configurations Window

Use this window to configure restore parameters, initiate the restore operation, and monitor restore progress. Devices that require a restart automatically restart after the restore is complete.

Show all devices/Show only incomplete and failed
When the restore operation starts, the device list table updates with status information for each device. An alert icon () appears in the Alert column of the table if a restore operation fails for a specific device. Use these radio buttons to show all devices or show only those devices whose restore operations are incomplete or failed.
Device List Table
A list of the devices you selected for your restore operation. When the restore is started, this table updates with status information for the restore operation:
  • Alert — an alert icon   appears in the Alert column if a restore operation fails for a specific device.
  • IP Address — The device's IP address. Chassis that support Distributed Forwarding Engines (DFEs), such as the N-Series, display a single management IP even though there may be multiple DFE modules in the chassis.
  • Configuration — The name of the configuration file being restored.
  • Status — The status of the operation for that particular device: Success or Failure.
  • Operation — The type of operation performed: Configuration Restore.
  • % Progress — A progress bar showing the percent completed of the operation.
  • Bytes Trans. — The number of bytes transferred during the operation.
  • Message — A message relating to the status of the operation.
Status Summary
When the restore is started, this area updates with status information for the restore operation.
Restore Type
The restore is performed in parallel (simultaneously) on the number of devices specified in the Process in Groups Of field. By default, the restores occur in sequential order (Process in Groups Of: 1). This is to protect against possible isolation of other devices on the restore list.
 CAUTION:Because some devices automatically restart following a restore operation, performing a Restore Type greater than 1 may isolate other devices in the restore list, causing their restores to fail. Use a Process in Groups Of value of 1 (perform the restore serially,) unless you know it is safe for the selected network devices to restart simultaneously.
Start Button
Initiates the restore operation. The table at the top of the window and the status area in the bottom left of the window update with status information.

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