Devices in Alarm Report

The Devices in Alarm report displays detailed data about the devices included in the Devices by Alarm Severity pie chart on the Inventory Dashboard.

To filter the data in the tables, use the filter functions.
To search for specific data, select the magnifying glass icon to open the Search bar, which allows you to search for full or partial matches on all fields.

Table Columns

The table includes the following columns:

Device Summary:
A summary of the device status. This column is hidden by default.
Indicates the current status. Status health is indicated by a color:
  • (Green) Up — Up with no alarms.
  • Critical Alarm Severity (Red) Critical — Down with alarms with significant implications.
  • Error Alarm Severity (Orange) Error — A problem with limited implications.
  • Warning Alarm Severity (Yellow) Warning — Up, but with an alarm that might lead to a problem.
  • Info Alarm Severity (Blue) Info — Information only; not a problem.
Device ID
The device's ID number.
The name of the device, which you select when you configure the device for ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine
The site to which the device is assigned.
Poll Type
The poll type ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine uses to discover devices: SNMP, Ping or Not Polled.
Poll Group Name
The poll group to which the device belongs.
Admin Profile
The Admin profile for the device, assigned when the device was configured in ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine.
Client Profile
The client profile for the device, assigned when the device was configured in ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine.
IP Address
The device's IP Address.
Displays a string that indicates how the device behaves, depending on whether the device is a router or a switch.
IP Context
Displays a device's IP address with the context appended to the end of the address following a colon.
Trap Status
Indicates whether a trap receiver is configured, not configured, or not supported for the device.
Syslog Status
Indicates whether the device is configured to send information to the syslog or if it is not supported for the device.
Poll Status
The poll status for the device.
Poll Details
The details about the poll status for the device.
Display Name
The device's display name.
Device Type
The device type for the device.
The device family for the device.
The current firmware version for the device.
Indicates whether the device is running reference firmware.
Displays the connector version running on the ZTP+ device.
The firmware release status for the device according to the results from the latest Check for Firmware Updates operation. Hover over the column to display a tooltip describing the status.
  • Firmware Up To Date — The device is running the latest release of firmware.
  • New Firmware Release Available — There is a new release of firmware available for this device. Select the Menu icon () or right-click the icon and select More Actions > View Available Firmware Releases to open a window listing the current firmware releases available with links to download the firmware.
  • Device does not support Firmware Updates feature — This device does not support the Check for Firmware Updates feature.
Indicates if the device has been archived in the last 30 days.
Config Changed
Indicates if the archived configuration for the device has changed in the last 30 days.
Policy Domain
The policy domain assigned to the device.
The current version of Boot PROM installed on the device.
Base MAC
The base MAC address for the device.
Serial Number
The device's serial number.
Indicates that historical statistics for the device are being collected.
The geographic location of the device.
The name of the responsible contact person.
System Name
An administratively-assigned hostname for the device taken from the sysName MIB object.
The amount of time, in a days hh:mm:ss format, that the device has been running since the last start-up.
The nickname of the device, which you select when you configure the device for ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine
A description of the device. This can include the device's operating system, the firmware ID number, and other identifying information.
User Data 1-4
User-defined information for up to four users.
Notes about the status of the device.
Asset Tag
A unique asset number assigned to the device for inventory tracking purposes.
Network OS ID
The Network Operating System ID number.
Network OS
ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine's classification of the Network Operating System installed on the device. This allows ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine to provide the appropriate scripts and workflows on a device's Tasks submenu when the device's Network OS matches one of the Network Operating Systems defined for the script or workflow.
  NOTE: ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine displays Unknown for devices before their Network OS is determined via a script or workflow (for example, onboarding new devices or when Network OS Grouping has not been provided for the device type).


Use the buttons at the bottom of the table to perform the following functions:

Refresh ()
To manually update the data in the table, select the Refresh button.
Reset ()
To clear the search field and all filters, and to refresh the data table, select the Reset button.

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