Netsight Device Web Service

The ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine device web service provides an external interface to retrieve and modify the managed devices in the database.

https://<ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Server IP>:<port>/axis/services/NetSightDeviceWebService?wsdl

Method: addAuthCredential

Method: addAuthCredentialEx

Method: addCredentialEx

Method: addDeviceEx

Method: addProfileEx

Method: deleteDeviceByIpEx

Method: exportDevicesAsNgf

Method: getAllDevices

Method: getDeviceByIpAddressEx

Method: getSnmpCredentialAsNgf

Method: importDevicesAsNgfEx

Method: isIpV6Enabled

Method: isNetSnmpEnabled

Method: updateAuthCredential

Method: updateAuthCredentialEx

Method: updateCredential

Method: updateCredentialEx

Method: updateDevicesEx

Method: updateProfile

Method: updateProfileEx