ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine 25.02.11 Release Notes

A PDF copy of these release notes can be found here.

ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine includes all the features and functionality of Extreme Management Center as well as issues that have been resolved and configuration changes for this release.

If you are an existing Extreme Management Center customer, contact your representative to have your Extreme Management Center license migrated to an ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine license. The ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine license also includes licensing for ExtremeAnalytics.

  • For upgrade and installation requirements, as well as configuration considerations, see ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Configuration and Requirements.
  • ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine version 25.02.11 consumes licenses from ExtremeCloud IQ in a connected deployment mode or from a license file in air gap deployment mode. ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine is a subscription-based -only licensing model. Existing NMS licenses do not provide access to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine. You can view the status of your license by accessing Administration > Licenses after the installation is complete.
  • ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine is not compatible with an ExtremeCloud IQ Connect level account. You must use a commercial or trial subscription.
  • ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine is not compatible with ExtremeCloud IQ HIQ. You must use a standard VIQ or MSP account.
  • For the information shared between ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine and ExtremeCloud IQ , see ExtremeCloud IQ Connection.

For information regarding the features supported by specific devices, see the Firmware Support Matrix. Version 25.02.11 of ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine supports the devices listed in the matrix.

Devices that do not have serial numbers or MAC addresses in Extreme Management Center must be rediscovered after you upgrade to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine before they can be onboarded to ExtremeCloud IQ.

Connected mode only - If your number of devices exceeds your licenses available, ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine transitions to a license violation state and your access to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine is locked. To resolve the license shortage you need to access the Extreme Networks portal or ExtremeCloud IQ to evaluate the quantities of available Pilot and Navigator licenses versus the number of licenses required by ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine.

Licensing Changes

Starting in ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine version 23.2.10 each stack member consumes a license in connected mode. In connected mode, ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine now reports stack members to ExtremeCloud IQ. If you use stacks in connected mode, ensure that enough ExtremeCloud IQ Pilot licenses are in the license pool before upgrading to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine 23.2.10 or later.

Beginning with ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine version 21.4.10, your ExtremeAnalytics license is included as part of your ExtremeCloud IQ Pilot license. Separate licenses are no longer required.

For users upgrading from Extreme Management Center to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine, note that the XIQ-NAC subscription must be used instead of IA-ES- license. For new users that complete an initial install of ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine, ExtremeControl licensing does not include end-system capabilities.

End of Software Maintenance

In ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine version 24.10.12 and after, the following components and features are deprecated and removed:

  • Microsoft Azure Connect module (for multi-cloud integration)

  • Ekahau map import

In ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine version 24.7.10 and after, the following components and features are deprecated and removed:

  • ExtremeCompliance, also known as Information Governance Engine

  • Public Cloud Dashboard

The following components and features reached end-of-software-maintenance on 30th September 2023:

  • Guest and IoT Manager - last version is (not compatible with ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine version 24.7.10 and after)

  • Fabric Manager - last version is

  • Posture Assessment (both the agent-based and agent-less)

The mobile application "ExtremeManagement ZTP+" was removed from the Google Play store in August 2024.

Onboarding ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine to ExtremeCloud IQ in Connected Deployment Mode

After installing or upgrading to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine, you need to onboard ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine to ExtremeCloud IQ. When the onboarding is complete, you can then access ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine.

Entering your ExtremeCloud IQ name and password are required during the first-time login to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine.

  NOTE: If Extreme Management Center is onboarded to ExtremeCloud IQ, when you upgrade to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine, you need to remove Extreme Management Center from ExtremeCloud IQ before onboarding ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine.


The following enhancements were made to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine in this release. For additional information about each of the enhancements listed in the release notes, see ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Documentation .


ExtremeManagement Enhancements
ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine recognizes Summit X465 stack running version 33.3 and newer.

Customer Found Defects and Known Issues


Customer Found Defects Addressed 25.02.11

ExtremeAnalytics CFDs Addressed ID
Addressed an issue where Analytics configuration could be removed from multiple switches without apparent action. Enforcing an Analytics Engine no longer removes the previous configuration on an EXOS/Switch Engine device in a failed scp file or an already configured device scenario. 02843579
ExtremeControl CFDs Addressed ID
Addressed an issue with EntraID authentication failure. The Open ID registration with EntraID now works correctly. 03078875
Addressed an issue with End-System export not allowing users to export more than 1000 rows. 03076735
Addressed an issue where control rule group labels over 40 characters was not rendered correctly in the Rules engine. 03054477
ExtremeManagement CFDs Addressed ID
Addressed an issue of Site's configured and enabled Add Actions not running when onboarding a device with ZTP+. The flag that indicates to the script engine that the onboarding device could need the Add Actions run was not being configured properly. Now setting the flag in a location that remains configured when the script engine is running for devices onboarded with ZTP+. 03077839
Addressed an issue of database retention for hourly not being deleted. Corrected removal of Report SQL tables. 03074758
Addressed an issue with a database exception error in INVARCHIVEDEVICEINFOS with bootpromrev characters over 32. The Inventory firmwarerev and bootpromrev fields can now support up to 128 characters. 03072201
Addressed an issue with format of notes column in XiqDeviceMessageDetails.csv. Corrected ExtremeClould IQ Device Message Details csv collected by show support. 03071685
Addressed an issue with FlexView Interface Summary name column being hidden. Restored display of the Name column to the Interface Summary FlexView. 03070569
Addressed an issue with MIB tools in connected license mode. MIB Tools / FlexView Editor on launch can connect using login credentials only. Legacy Console plugin license is no longer supported. 03049198
Addressed an issue of unable to apply configuration template to VOSS. On template configuration restore, we now download the config (ASCII) to the device with the ASCII transfer directory /intflash, rather than the binary transfer directory /intflash/shared. 03039730

Customer Found Defects Addressed 25.02.10

ExtremeAnalytics CFDs Addressed ID
Addressed an issue causing a failure when moving an endpoint location after data migration. 03041643
Addressed an issue with ConfigSFlowScript fail while pulling app telemetry due to password prompt handling. Made PCRE more specific to prevent Configure SFlow Plus script from waiting when being prompted for a password during SCP transfer. 03038705
Addressed an issue with an Analytics report issue. Analytics > Reports > Sites Flow Volume now reacts to changes in the sensor dropdown. 02961831

ExtremeControl CFDs Addressed ID
Addressed an issue with Apache Tomcat default files. The Apache Tomcat default files detection script on Nessus considers the Apache Tomcat version number and stack trace to be an information disclosure vulnerability. Vulnerabilities were detected when requesting non-existent web pages on TCP ports 8443, 8444, 8445 and 8080. 02929154
Addressed an issue of missing Windows 11 from device type group. Windows 11 device type has been added in the default device group during upgrade. 02954572
Addressed an issue with corruption of import MAC to IP binding. During MAC to IP mappings import, the system now validates both the MAC address and IP address from the CSV file. 02965852
Addressed an issue with loss of changes during End-System column customizations. Customized End-System columns in the End-Systems table are now persisted. 02963122
Addressed an issue with ExtremeControl being unable to reach ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine if the default web service port changed. JNDI secure port now uses the correct port number after an enforce. 03016236
Addressed an issue of being unable to import policy from XIQ-C when IPv6 ' Any Protocol, Any Port' was present. 03018045
Addressed an issue with the requirements for CA certificate and CRL. Now ExtremeControl no longer requires you to configure CRL for every trusted certificate authority in AAA configuration. 03027568
Addressed an issue with JDK1.8.0.222 not being removed during upgrade. Old JDK versions are now removed during an upgrade. 02992007
Addressed an issue where all devices could disappear from policy domain, and a refresh was required to restore devices in that view. 03018694
Addressed an issue with redirection to NAC IP from mobile. The redirection with iOS or a mobile device is now working when redirected to the ExtremeControl IP address without /main. 03030688
Addressed an issue with exception errors and restarts due to encryption policy. OpenID Secret password is now encrypted and an error will no longer appear while saving the configuration. 03045360
Addressed an issue with unable to rename NAC Profile in 24.10.11. Renaming the NAC profile is now working and updates properly. 03043470
Addressed an issue with NAC allowing copying blank rule names. Now copying a rule with an empty name is no longer valid. 03048467
Addressed an issue with case sensitivity for captive portal guest registration sponsor approval. The captive portal sponsor page displays the device list for sponsor email address is now case-insensitive. 03046275
Addressed an issue of cannot start tcpdump from Diagnostics GUI. The tcpdump has been updated to the latest version and can now be started from GUI on ExtremeControl without getting a permission error. 03057918
Addressed an issue with the End-Systems Events Time Stamp column filter. 03063434

ExtremeManagement CFDs Addressed ID
Addressed an issue with Heap Memory exhaustion, excessive processing load, and continuous device rediscoveries due to devices sending many traps to inform listeners of topology changes. Added trap throttling controls in Admin> Options > Trap > Device Topology Change Trap Threshold. 02894375
Addressed an issue where all SNMP could get blocked after ten days uptime. Improved SNMPv3 performance by removing blocking calls. 02868328
Addressed an issue of being unable to expose WebView URL FQDN. Added Nickname Alternative Support for WebView 02908830
Addressed an issue of site actions being run when adding device when the 'Run Site's Add Actions' checkbox was unchecked. 02947474
Addressed an issue where ISIS would disable when configuring an IPv4 or IPv6 source address change. Removed mandatory ISIS disable/enable when an ISIS source address change is enforced to a device. 02993462
Addressed an issue leaving hanging process around while creating users on the local OS. Also, RADIUS authenticated users will no longer have local OS level authentication capabilities. 03004699
Addressed an issue where IQC archives show a difference even with no configuration changes made. IQC archives no longer show differences due to sync-timestamp. 03006924
Addressed an issue where an API mutation for PVI to NSI mappings assigned NSI to all islands instead of a specific island. 02871396
Addressed an issue where configuring the firmware reference image for an EXOS/Switch Engine device could generate an ERROR in server.log. 03029744
Addressed an issue where configuring L2VSN services might not show in 'Enforce Preview' for a ZTP+ onboarded device. 03019416
Addressed an issue with conversion from old installation during migration where nsscript/nsscripttask tables had the wrong type, causing issues on script executions. 03037109
Addressed an issue enforcing a switch configuration when a Switched/Transparent UNI port template was applied to a LAG/MLT port. 03037312
Addressed an issue with map links not displaying properly for 7520s configured with 4 port LAG. 03028543
Addressed an issue with changing a discovered device (ZTP+) to a new site does not change Access Control settings. 03037094
Addressed an issue of configure device unable to enable IGMP without an IP address. 03010619
Addressed an issue of adding a blank password to manage SSH users, caused an issue where no more users could be added. 03004699
Addressed an issue of an exception updateWorkflowTask error generated in server.log when updating a saved task. 03044960
Addressed an issue in configurations where a Site has a Topology Definition assigned and not a Service Definition, and a child Site has both Topology and Service Definitions defined. Making a change to the parent Site and saving those changes no longer causes the sub-site Service Definition to be removed. 03008460
Addressed an issue of excessive installation time and disk usage from PSQL config and database backups during upgrades. The full data backup is no longer performed during the upgrade procedure. Please ensure you create the backup before the upgrade is executed. 03053455
Addressed an issue with PVID 0 changing to default after an upgrade. 03052173
Addressed an issue where the migration of the Information column in nsalarms and nsalarmhistory tables was not being converted properly. 03054400
Addressed an issue where all logging and channels except syslog stopped processing after a migration from 24.02 to 24.10.12. A failing query inside a single, extra long running transaction caused major issues. Fixed the query. 03055811
Addressed an issue with DeviceView Port Table Name and Alias not updating when changes were made. 03054300
Addressed an issue with getERSConfig task sending Null exception. There is a possibility that the device returns an empty value or no value when queried for the ISIS Unicast FIB table. We will now take extra measures to prevent failures in this case. 03059665
ExtremeControl Issues Addressed

Known Issues Addressed in 25.02.11

ExtremeControl Issues Addressed
Guest and IoT Manager reached end-of-support and is incompatible with 24.7.10 and newer. Removed options to configure Guest and IoT Manager.
ExtremeManagement Issues Addressed
Removed vendor profile for "SNMP Research" device SystemObjectID Those devices will now be Unknown. You can create your own vendor profile by right-click on the device and Configure > Vendor Profile.
The oauth2.py script is now compatible with python 3. The procedure to configure SMTP with GMAIL oauth2 is working again.

Known Issues Addressed in 25.02.10

ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Issues Addressed
The MAC address of some Cisco devices could be wrongly resolved and lead to the inability to onboard the Cisco device to ExtremeCloud IQ.
Changed the wording in the right-click menu "More Actions" from "Set Device Client Profile" to "Set Device Group's Profile".

ExtremeControl Issues Addressed
Updated the FreeRadius version.
Adding a switch to the NAC config through the Site Add Actions sometimes the Radius Attributes to Send was set to None instead of applying the default logic.

ExtremeManagement Issues Addressed
The VLAN tab in device view was empty for VOSS/Fabric Engine.
Added new option to API to resolve Service Name if Policy Vlan Islands are used.
The CLI-based restore of backup did not restore custom scripts. CLI scripts created in the Command Scripting Tool are now part of the backup and restore.
Policy Manager Port Templates were missed in the migration from version 24.2.
Manage SSH users feature for discarding RADIUS responses without Message-Authenticator attribute settings are now updated in sshd file.
ExtremeAnalytics Issues Addressed
Addressed issue when network interfaces were swapped after an upgrade on ExtremeAnalytics Engine.
ExtremeConnect Issues Addressed
Addressed issue in VMware Connect module where the synchronization worked only partially.

Addressed Vulnerabilities

This section presents the vulnerabilities reported by vulnerability scanners in previous versions. The following components received updates in 25.2 regardless of whether the vulnerability could have been exploited or not. If you need more information on vulnerability testing, see Security and Vulnerability Testing.

25.02.11 ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine, ExtremeControl, ExtremeAnalytics, and Application Analytics Traffic Sensor images:

CVE-2024-3596, CVE-2024-53103, CVE-2024-53141, CVE-2024-53164, CVE-2024-12705, CVE-2024-11187, CVE-2022-49043, CVE-2024-34459, CVE-2024-56326, CVE-2024-56201, CVE-2025-0395, CVE-2024-13176, CVE-2024-9143, CVE-2025-0938

25.02.10 ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine, ExtremeControl, ExtremeAnalytics, and Application Analytics Traffic Sensor images:

CVE-2024-12085, CVE-2024-12084, CVE-2024-12088, CVE-2024-12087, CVE-2024-12086, CVE-2024-12747, CVE-2024-52006, CVE-2024-50349, CVE-2024-11168, CVE-2024-21241, CVE-2024-21239, CVE-2024-21237, CVE-2024-21236, CVE-2024-21231, CVE-2024-21230, CVE-2024-21219, CVE-2024-21213, CVE-2024-21212, CVE-2024-21201, CVE-2024-21199, CVE-2024-21198, CVE-2024-21197, CVE-2024-21196, CVE-2024-21194, CVE-2024-21193, CVE-2024-41957, CVE-2024-43374, CVE-2024-47814, CVE-2024-43802, CVE-2025-22134

Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration Changes

Installation Information

There are three tiers of licenses for ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine and devices:

  • Pilot
  • Navigator
  • No License

As you begin to onboard ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine and your devices, ExtremeCloud IQ will determine if you meet or exceed the license limits for each license type.

For complete installation instructions, see ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Suite Installation.

Upgrading Without an Internet Connection

  • If your Linux system requires an operating system upgrade, you are prompted to upgrade using either an internet connection or locally (without an internet connection) if no additional Ubuntu packages need to be installed.

    !!! ATTENTION !!!

    We can attempt to upgrade the OS without using the internet if there were no extra Ubuntu packages installed. If there were extraneous packages installed, the upgrade will fail with this method.

    Do you want to attempt a local in-place upgrade of the OS and reboot when complete? (Y/n)
  • Custom FlexViews

    When reinstalling ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Console, the installation program saves copies of any FlexViews you created or modified in the <install directory>\.installer\backup\current\appdata\System\FlexViews folder.

    If you are deploying FlexViews via the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine server, save them in the appdata\VendorProfiles\Stage\MyVendorProfile\FlexViews\My FlexViews folder.

    Custom MIBs and Images

    If you are deploying MIBs via the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine server, they are saved in the appdata\VendorProfiles\Stage\MyVendorProfile\MIBs\ folder.

    If you are deploying device images (pictures) via the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine server, they are saved in the appdata\VendorProfiles\Stage\MyVendorProfile\Images\ folder.

    Important Upgrade Information

    A special MySQL to PostgreSQL Data Migration (For Upgrades from ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine 24.2 to 24.7 and later) is required to upgrade ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine from versions older than 24.7. The minimum version to upgrade Analytics Engines and Access Control Engines is 24.2.13.


    ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Version 25.02.11 contains an OS upgrade. Internet connectivity is required to download custom packages.

    The installer prompts "Do you want to use the Internet to perform the OS upgrade?". The offline upgrade path is supported when no custom packages are installed (answer N). The online upgrade is required when custom packages are manually installed (answer Y). An online upgrade is recommended when an online upgrade was used previously, however there is a risk of session timeout due to 15 minutes of screen inactivity.

    To upgrade Access Control Engines and Application Analytics Engines you can use the directive --keepalive to decrease the chance of a session expiry timeout from 15 minutes of no screen activity.

    From Version (currently running) To Version (next step in upgrade path)
    ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine 24.7.x, 24.10.x. 25.2.x ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine 25.2
    ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine 24.2.x Fresh installation of ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine 25.2 and follow the MySQL to PostgreSQL Data Migration (For Upgrades from ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine 24.2 to 24.7 and later)
    Application Analytics Engine, Access Control Engine 24.2.15 Application Analytics Engine, Access Control Engine 25.2
    ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine 23.4.12, 23.7.x, 23.11.x, 24.2.x ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine 24.2.15
    ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine 21.x, 22.x, 23.2.x 23.4.10, 23.4.11 ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine 23.4.12
    Extreme Management Center version 8.5.7 ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine 24.2.15
    Extreme Management Center version 8.2.x to 8.5.6 Extreme Management Center 8.5.7
    Extreme Management Center version 8.0.x to 8.1.x Extreme Management Center
    NetSight version Extreme Management Center
    NetSight version 7.x NetSight
    NetSight version NetSight
    NetSight version 6.x NetSight

      IMPORTANT: A backup (Administration > Backup/Restore) of the database must be performed prior to the upgrade and saved to a safe location.

    If you use LDAPS with a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) in the URL to authorize a user to the OneView, then ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine presents the Server Certificate (located in Administration > Certificates > Server Certificate Information) to the LDAPS server. If the LDAPS server presents a certificate that does not match the LDAPS URL, then the certificate is rejected with the error “Certificate Unknown”.

    The best practice is to use a trusted certificate if the LDAPS URL is defined with FQDN, otherwise the LDAPS server might not accept the LDAPs connection. The alternative option is to use an IP address in the LDAPS URL instead of FQDN.

    Important Upgrade Considerations

    • If your network is using ExtremeAnalytics or ExtremeControl engines, or another add-on feature, you must first perform the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine upgrade to version 25.02.11 and then upgrade the feature.
    • To upgrade Traffic Sensor from version 21.x, a fresh installation is recommended. If the fresh installation cannot be used, then please check Knowledge Base for a special procedure.
    • If the online upgrade fails due to an Internet connectivity issue, fix the connectivity issue and rerun the upgrade.

      IMPORTANT: When performing an upgrade, be sure to back up the database prior to performing the upgrade, and save it to a safe location. Use the Administration > Backup/Restore tab to perform the backup.
    • When upgrading the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine server, ExtremeAnalyticsengine, or ExtremeControlengine to version 25.02.11, ensure the DNS server IP address is correctly configured.
    • When upgrading to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine version 25.02.11, if you adjusted the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine memory settings and want them to be saved on upgrade, a flag (-DcustomMemory) needs to be added to the /usr/local/Extreme_Networks/NetSight/services/nsserver.cfg file.

      For example:
      -Xms12g -Xmx24g -XX:HeapDumpPath=../../nsdump.hprof -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:MetaspaceSize=128m -DcustomMemory

    License Renewal

    Upgrading to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine version 25.02.11 requires you to transition from perpetual to subscription-based license model. Existing NMS licenses do not provide access to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine. If your perpetual licenses were not transitioned to subscription-based licenses, contact your Extreme Networks Representative for assistance.

    Free Space Consideration

    When upgrading to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine version 25.02.11, a minimum of 15 GB of free disk space is required on the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine server

    To increase the amount of free disk space on the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine server, perform the following:

    • Decrease the number of ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine backups (by default, saved in the /usr/local/Extreme_Networks/NetSight/backup directory).
    • Decrease the Data Persistence settings (Administration > Options > Access Control > Data Persistence).
    • Remove unnecessary archives (Network > Archives).
    • Delete the files in the <installation directory>/NetSight/.installer directory.

    Site Discover Consideration

    Discovering devices via the Site tab using a Range, Subnet, or Seed discover might not successfully add all expected devices. To correct the issue, increase the Length of SNMP Timeout value on the Administration > Options > Site tab in the Discover First SNMP Request section.

    ExtremeAnalytics Upgrade Information

    Enabling or disabling the disk flow export feature might cause enforce operations to time out. Enforcing again resolves the issue.

    When you delete an ExtremeXOS/Switch Engine device that is configured as a flow source via the Flow Sources table of the
    Analytics > Configuration > Engines > Configuration tab from the Devices list on the Network > Devices tab, an error message is generated in the server.log. The message does not warn you that the device is in use as a flow source. Adding the device back in the Devices list on the Network > Devices tab or removing the device from the Flow Source table fixes the issue.

    The Flow Sources table on the Analytics > Configuration > engine > Configuration tab may take a few minutes to load.

    ExtremeControl Version 8.0 and later

    Beginning in version 8.0, ExtremeControl may fail to join Active Directory when accessing as a Standard Domain User with Descendant Computer Objects ("Reset password" permissions only) group member.

    To allow this functionality, add the following permissions:

    • Reset Password
    • Validated write to DNS host name
    • Validated write to service principal
    • Read and write account restrictions
    • Read and write DNS host name attributes
    • Write servicePrincipalName

    Other Upgrade Information

    Immediately after you install version 25.02.11 on the ExtremeControlengine, the date and time does not properly synchronize and the following error message displays:

    WARNING: Unable to synchronize to a NTP server. The time might not be correctly set on this device.

    Ignore the error message and the date and time automatically synchronize after a short delay.

    Additionally, the following message might display during the ExtremeControl upgrade to version 25.02.11:

    No domain specified

    To stop domain-specific winbindd process, run /etc/init.d/winbindd stop {example-domain.com}

    Upgrading ExtremeControl Engine to Version 25.02.11

    General Upgrade Information

    The EAP-TLS Certificates with SHA1 are considered weak and are not accepted anymore. The radius server fails to start with the SHA1 certificate. You can use a more secure certificate, such as SHA256.

    You are not required to upgrade your ExtremeControl engine version to 25.02.11 when upgrading to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine version 25.02.11. However, both ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine and ExtremeControl engine must be at version 25.02.11 in order to take advantage of the new ExtremeControl version 25.02.11 features. ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine version 25.02.11 supports managing ExtremeControl engine versions 23.x and up to 25.02.11.

    In addition, if your ExtremeControl solution utilizes a Nessus assessment server, you should also upgrade your assessment agent adapter to version 25.02.11 if you upgrade to ExtremeControl version 25.02.11.

    You can download the latest ExtremeControl engine version at the Extreme Portal

    LDAPS servers with FQDN

    If the LDAPS server URL uses a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), then the LDAPS client of Access Control Engine presents the internal Communication Certificate to the LDAPS server. If the LDAPS server URL uses a FQDN then the LDAPS client of ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine presents the Server Certificate (located in Administration > Certificates > Server Certificate Information) to the LDAPS server. If the LDAPS server presents a certificate that does not match the LDAPS URL, then the certificate is rejected with the error “Certificate Unknown”

    The best practice is to use trusted certificates if the LDAPS URL is defined with FQDN, otherwise the LDAPS server might not accept the LDAPS connection. If the LDAPS server URL uses an IP address then the LDAPS client (of both Access Control Engine and ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine) does not present the Certificate to the LDAPS server.

    Upgrading to Policy Manager 25.02.11

    • Policy Manager 25.02.11 only supports ExtremeWireless Controller version 10.51. If you upgrade to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine 25.02.11 prior to upgrading your controllers, then Policy Manager does not allow you to open a domain where the controllers already exist or add them to a domain. A dialog is displayed indicating your controllers do not meet minimum version requirements and that they must be upgraded before they can be in a domain.
    • Following an upgrade to Wireless Controller version 8.31 and higher, a Policy Manager enforce fails if it includes changes to the default access control or any rules that are set to contain. To allow Policy Manager to modify the default access control or set rules to contain, you must disable the "Allow" action in policy rules contains to the VLAN assigned by the role checkbox accessed from the Wireless Controller's web interface on the Roles > Policy Rules tab. This will allow the enforce operation to succeed.

    Fabric Configuration Information


    Fabric Manager might be unavailable via ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine after upgrading if the certificate is missing in ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Trust store.

    To ensure Fabric Manager is available, enter the Fabric Manager certificate in the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Trust store using Generate Certificate option. See Add Fabric Manager Certificate for the certificate procedure.

    Authentication Key

    When you provision authentication keys for Fabric Attach, the key cannot be read back for security reasons. When the key is read from the device, it always shows "****". For this reason, it might seem that there is a configuration mismatch when one does not exist.

    Service Configuration Change

    If you change a configured service via the Configure Device window that references one of the following, and then enforce those changes to the device, the configuration on the device might change unexpectedly:

    • MLT
    • SMLT
    • Port-specific settings to a port belonging to an MLT or SMLT

    To prevent this merge, change rows in the Enforce Preview window where MLT or SMLT are in use from Current to Desired.

    To correct the issue after enforcement, modify the service on the device via the CLI.

    CLIP Addresses

    Using the CLIP Addresses table in the Configure Device window, you can enter addresses in both IPv4 and IPv6 formats. However, ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine version 25.02.11 only supports applying a single address (either IPv4 or IPv6) to a Loopback Interface.

    Upgrading VSP-8600

    When upgrading from Extreme Management Center version 8.2 to version 8.3. manually reload previously discovered VSP-8600 devices to gain access to Fabric Connect features.

    Removing Fabric Connect Configuration

    Removing a device's Fabric Connect configuration by setting the Topology Definition to <None> may fail if the device has Logical Interfaces assigned to ISIS.

    Password Configuration

    Fabric Manager fails to onboard in ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine if the root password includes an ampersand (&) character. Additionally, if the Administration > Inventory Manager > SCP tab contains a password that includes an ampersand (&) in ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine, the Fabric Manager firmware does not download successfully.

    Ensure you use a password without an ampersand (&) character.

    VRF Configuration

    VOSS/Fabric Engine SNMP performance is adversely affected as the number of VRF configurations increases. This issue can be resolved by upgrading toVOSS/Fabric Engine release 8.1.1 or later or VSP-8600 series version 6.3.3 or later.

    Device Configuration Information

    VDX Device Configuration

    To properly discover interfaces and links for VDX devices in ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine, enable three-tuple-if on the device.

      NOTE: To enable three-tuple-if on the device in ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine:
    1. Access the Network > Devices tab.
    2. Right-click on the device in the Devices table.
    3. Select Tasks > Config > VDX Config Basic Support.

    Additionally, for ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine to display VCS fabric , the NOS version must be 7.2.0a or later.

    Rediscover VDX devices after upgrading to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine.

    VOSS/Fabric Engine Device Configuration

    Topology links from VOSS/Fabric Engine devices to other VOSS/Fabric Engine or ERS devices might not display in a topology map (or might display inconsistently). To ensure topology map links display correctly, verify that the VOSS/Fabric Engine device is configured to publish its management IP address in the autotopology (SONMP) data.

    Ensure that the output of show sys setting command shows:

    autotopology : on
    ForceTopologyIpFlag : true
    clipId-topology-ip : 0

    If the output values displayed are different, configure the VOSS/Fabric Engine device to publish management IP address in SONMP data by executing the following CLI commands:

    (config)# autotopology
    (config)# sys force-topology-ip-flag enable
    (config)# default sys clipId-topology-ip

    The Status of LAG links in maps will start working after the next polling following an upgrade to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine. You can initiate the polling of a device by performing a refresh/rediscovery of the device.

    ERS Device Configuration

    ERS devices might automatically change VLAN configurations you define in ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine. To disable this, change the vlan configcontrol setting for ERS devices you add to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine by entering the following in the device command line:

    CLI commands
    config term
    vlan configcontrol flexible

    Additionally, configure all VLANs on the port for an ERS device with the same tag status (tagged or untagged). If enforcing to an ERS device on which a port has at least one VLAN as tagged, ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine adds all untagged VLANs to the tagged VLAN list and clears the untagged VLAN list.

    Creating an archive for ERS devices using the Network > Archives tab does not complete successfully if Menu mode (cmd-interface menu) is used instead of CLI mode (cmd-interface cli). See How To Set Default Management Interface To Either Menu or CLI Mode (https://extremeportal.force.com/ExtrArticleDetail?an=000077274) to create the archive.

    SLX Device Configuration

    When creating a ZTP+ Configuration for an SLX 9240 on which firmware version 18s.01.01 or 18s.01.02 is installed, the ZTP+ process fails if the Administration Profile value uses SSH or Telnet CLI credentials. ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine indicates that the SSH or CLI profile is not supported by the device.

    To create a ZTP+ configuration for an SLX 9240:

    1. Create a new Device Profile with the CLI Credential set to < No Access >.
    2.   NOTE: The SLX ZTP+ Connector does NOT support configuring CLI credentials on the device.
    3. Create the ZTP+ Configuration and select the new Device Profile you created in Step 1 as the Administration Profile.
    4. After the ZTP+ process successfully completes and the device is added to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine, select a Device Profile that uses the correct CLI credentials for the SLX device in the Administration Profile.

    ExtremeXOS Device Configuration

    ExtremeXOS/Switch Engine devices on which firmware version is installed do not download and install new firmware versions successfully via the ZTP+ process. To correct the issue, access the Network > Firmware tab in ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine, select the ExtremeXOS device you are updating via ZTP+, and change the Version field in the Details right-panel from builds/xos_30.3/ to

    Firmware Upgrade Configuration Information

    ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine supports firmware downloads and uploads to devices using TFTP, FTP, SCP, and SFTP. However, before firmware images can be downloaded or uploaded from the server, ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine needs the root path or directory for each of the protocols. The following default root paths for each protocol are configurable from the Administration > Options > Inventory Manager tab:

    Protocol Root Path:

    • TFTP: /tftpboot/firmware/images/
    • FTP: /tftpboot/firmware/images/
    • SCP: /root/firmware/images/
    • SFTP: /root/firmware/images/

    To upload firmware images that are 2 GB or less to the server, use the ExtremeCloud IQ Site EngineNetwork > Firmware tab. For files larger than 2 GB, use a third-party client (such as SCP, WinSCP, or FTP).

    For example, to use SCP to upload a firmware image to the SCP root path on the server, enter the following:

    • scp <LOCAL_FIRMWARE_PATH> root@<ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine_SERVER_IP>:/root/firmware/images
    • Where:
      • <ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine_SERVER_IP>= IP Address to ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Server
      • <LOCAL_FIRMWARE_PATH>= fully qualified path to a firmware image on the client machine

    Wireless Manager Upgrade Information

    A High Availability pair cannot be added as a flow source if the WLAN(s) selected are not in common with both wireless controllers.

    Server and Client System Requirements

      IMPORTANT: Wireless event collection is disabled by default in version 25.02.11 due to the increase in disk space usage required. To enable event collection, select Enable Event CollectionEvent Analyze. Then select Administration > Options > Event Analyze.

    Internet Explorer is not supported in ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine version 25.02.11.

    Operating System Requirements

    ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Server Requirements

    Manufacturer Operating System
    Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4
    VMware® (ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Virtual Engine)

    VMware ESXi™ 6.0 server
    VMware ESXi™ 6.5 server
    VMware ESXi™ 6.7 server
    VMware ESXi™ 7.0 server
    VMware ESXi™ 8.0 server
    vSphere (client only)™

    Microsoft® Hyper-V (ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Virtual Engine) Windows® Server 2016
    Windows® Server 2019
    Nutanix (ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Virtual Engine) AHV: 20230302.101026
    AOS: 6.8.1
    Prism Central: 2024.2
    Extreme Networks Universal Compute Platform 2130C version 5.09.01

    These are the operating system requirements for the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine server.

    ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Client Requirements

    These are the operating system requirements for remote ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine client machines.

    Manufacturer Operating System
    Windows (qualified on the English version of the operating systems) Windows® 10 and 11
    Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4
    Mac OS X® Monterey, Sonoma

    ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Server and Client Hardware Requirements

    These are the hardware requirements for the ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine server and ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine client machines.

      NOTES: ExtremeControl and ExtremeAnalytics are not supported on Small ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine servers.

    ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Server Requirements

      Small Medium Enterprise Large Enterprise
    Total CPUs 1 2 2 2
    Total CPU Cores 8 16 24 24
    Memory 16 GB 32 GB 64 GB 64 GB
    Disk Size 240 GB 480 GB 960 GB 1.92 TB
    IOPS 200 200 10,000 10,000

    Recommended scale based on server configuration:
    Maximum APs 250 2,500 25,000 25,000
    Maximum Wireless MUs 2,500 25,000 100,000 100,000
    Maximum Managed Devices 100 1,000 10,000 air gap
    8,000 connected
    10,000 air gap
    8,000 connected
    Maximum Concurrent Management Sessions 5 15 50 50
    ExtremeControl End-Systems N/A 50,000 200,000 200,000
    Statistics Retention (Days) 90 180 180 360
    ExtremeAnalytics No Yes Yes Yes
    MU Events No Yes Yes Yes

      IMPORTANT: For optimal performance the CPU and Memory needs to reserved in the ESX Client and the virtual machine needs to be deployed using Thick Disk provisioning.

    ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Client Requirements

    CPU Speed Dual Core Processor
    Memory 8 GB
    Disk Size 300 MB (User's home directory requires 50 MB for file storage)
    Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (Oracle Java only) Version 8 (for FlexView Editor / MIB Tools)
    Browser1 (Enable JavaScript and Cookies) Microsoft Edge
    Mozilla Firefox
    Google Chrome

    1Browsers set to a zoom ratio of less than 100% might not display ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine properly (for example, missing borders around windows). Setting your browser to a zoom ratio of 100% corrects this issue.

    Virtual Engine Requirements

    The ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine, ExtremeControl, and ExtremeAnalytics virtual engines must be deployed on a VMware, Hyper-V server, Nutanix, or Extreme Networks Universal Compute Platform.

    • ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine and virtual engines are packaged in the .OVA file format for VMware deployment.
    • ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine and virtual engines are packaged in the .ZIP file format for Hyper-V deployment.
    • ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine and virtual engines are packaged in the .OVA file format for deployment to the Nutanix through Prism Central.
    • ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine and virtual engines are packaged in the .TAR file format for deployment to the Universal Compute Platform.
      IMPORTANT: For ESX and Hyper-V servers configured with AMD processors, the ExtremeExtremeAnalytics virtual engine requires AMD processors with at least Bulldozer based Opterons.
    ExtremeCloud IQ Site Engine Virtual Engine Requirements
    Specifications Small Medium Enterprise UCP 2130C
    Total CPU Cores 8 16 24 N/A
    Memory 16 GB 32 GB 64 GB N/A
    Disk Size 240 GB 480 GB 960 GB N/A
    IOPS 200 200 10,000 N/A

    Recommended scale based on server configuration:
    Maximum APs 250 2,500 25,000 25.000
    Maximum Wireless MUs 2,500 25,000 100,000 100,000
    Maximum Managed Devices 100 1,000 10,000 air gap
    8,000 connected
    10,000 air gap
    8,000 connected
    Maximum Concurrent Management Sessions 5 15 50 50
    ExtremeControl End-Systems N/A 50,000 200,000 200,000
    Statistics Retention (Days) 90 180 180 180
    ExtremeAnalytics No Yes Yes Yes
    MU Events No Yes Yes Yes

      IMPORTANT: For optimal performance the CPU and Memory needs to reserved in the ESX Client and the virtual machine needs to be deployed using Thick Disk provisioning.
    ExtremeControl Virtual Engine Requirements
    Specifications Small Medium Enterprise Large Enterprise UCP 2130C
    Total CPU Cores 8 16 16 20 N/A
    Memory 12 GB 16 GB 32 GB 48 GB N/A
    Disk Size 40 GB 120 GB 120 GB 120 GB N/A
    IOPS 200 200 200 200 N/A

    Recommended scale based on server configuration:
    ExtremeControl End-Systems 3,000 6,000 9,000/12,0001 12,000/24,0002 12,000/24,0002
    Authentication Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Captive Portal No Yes Yes/No1 Yes/No2 Yes/No2
    Assessment No Yes No No No
    1 The Enterprise ExtremeControlengine configuration supports two different scale options:
    • Up to 9,000 end-systems if your network uses Captive Portal functionality.
    • Up to 12,000 end-systems if your network does not use Captive Portal functionality.
    2 The Large Enterprise ExtremeControlengine configuration supports two different scale options:
    • Up to 12,000 end-systems if your network uses Captive Portal functionality.

    • Up to 24,000 end-systems if your network does not use Captive Portal functionality.


      IMPORTANT: For optimal performance the CPU and Memory needs to reserved in the ESX Client and the virtual machine needs to be deployed using Thick Disk provisioning.
    ExtremeAnalytics Virtual Engine Requirements
    Specifications Small Medium Enterprise UCP 2130C
    Total CPU Cores 8 16 16 N/A
    Memory 12 GB 32 GB 64 GB N/A
    Disk Size 40 GB 480 GB 960 GB N/A
    IOPS 200 10,000 10,000 N/A

    Recommended scale based on server configuration:
    Flows Per Minute 250,000 500,000 750,000 750,000
    End-Systems 10,000 20,000 30,000 30,000
    Raw Flow Retention (Days) 3.5 3.5 7 7

    The ESXi free license supports a maximum of 8 CPU cores, and the medium and enterprise ExtremeAnalytics virtual engine installations require 16 CPU cores. Sixteen CPU cores are only available by purchasing a permanent license. To use the ExtremeAnalytics virtual engine with an ESXi free license, adjust the number of CPU cores to 8.

    To reduce the possibility of impaired functionality, ensure at least 4 GB of swap space is available for flow storage on the ExtremeAnalytics virtual engine. To verify the amount of available RAM on your Linux system, use the free command

    Fabric Manager Requirements

    Specifications Requirements
    Total CPU Cores 4
    Memory 9 GB
    Memory allocated to Java:


    4 GB
    6 GB
    Disk Size 60 GB

    ExtremeControl Captive Portal Supported End-System Browsers

    The following table outlines the supported desktop and mobile end-system browsers connecting to the network through the Mobile Captive Portal of Extreme NetworksExtremeControl.

    Medium Browser
    Desktop Microsoft Edge
    Microsoft Internet Explorer
    Mozilla Firefox
    Google Chrome
    Mobile Internet Explorer Mobile
    Microsoft Edge
    Microsoft Windows 10 Touch Screen Native (Surface Tablet)
    iOS Native
    Android Chrome
    Android Native
      NOTES: A native browser indicates the default, system-installed browser. Although this might be Chrome (Android), this also includes the default, system-controlled browser used for a device’s Captive Network Detection for a device. Typically, this is a non-configurable option for Wi-Fi Captive Network Detection, but default Android, Microsoft and iOS devices are tested for compatibility with the Mobile Captive Portal.

    A mobile device can access the standard (non-mobile) version of the Captive Portal using any desktop-supported browsers available on a mobile device.

    For other browsers, the Mobile Captive Portal requires the browser on the mobile device to be compatible with Webkit or Sencha Touch.

    To confirm compatibility with Webkit or Sencha Touch, open http://<ExtremeControlEngine IP>/mobile_screen_preview using your mobile web browser.

    • If the browser is compatible, the page displays properly.
    • If the browser is not compatible with the Mobile Captive Portal, the following error displays:

    ExtremeControl Engine Version Requirements

    For complete information on ExtremeControl engine version requirements, see Important Upgrade Information.

    ExtremeControl VPN Integration Requirements

    VPN concentrators are supported for use in ExtremeControl VPN deployment scenarios.

    • Supported Functionality: Authentication and Authorization (policy enforcement)
      Cisco ASA
      Enterasys XSR
    • Supported Functionality: Authentication
      Juniper SA (requires an S-Series Stand Alone (SSA) system in order to provide access control)
      NOTE: For all ExtremeControl VPN Deployment scenarios, an S-Series Stand Alone (SSA) system is required to change authorization levels beyond the initial authorization, such as when using assessment.

    ExtremeControl SMS Gateway Requirements

    The following SMS Gateways have been tested for interoperability with ExtremeControl:

    • Clickatell
    • Mobile Pronto

    ExtremeControl SMS Text Messaging Requirements

    The following mobile service providers are supported by default for SMS text messaging in an ExtremeControl deployment. Additional service providers can be added:

    AT&T Sprint PCS
    Alltel SunCom
    Bell Mobility (Canada) T-Mobile
    Cingular US Cellular
    Metro PCS Verizon
    Rogers (Canada) Virgin Mobile (US and Canada)

    ExtremeAnalytics Requirements

    To use an ExtremeSwitching X440-G2 switch as an Application Telemetry source for ExtremeAnalytics, install firmware version or higher.

    Extreme Portal
    Search the GTAC (Global Technical Assistance Center) knowledge base, manage support cases and service contracts, download software, and obtain product licensing, training, and certifications.
    The Hub
    Connect with other Extreme customers, ask or answer questions, and share ideas and feedback. This community is monitored by Extreme Networks employees, but is not intended to replace specific guidance from GTAC.
    For immediate support, call 1-800-998-2408 (toll-free in U.S. and Canada) or 1-603-952-5000.

    Before contacting Extreme Networks for technical support, have the following information ready:

    • Your Extreme Networks service contract number and/or serial numbers for all involved Extreme Networks products
    • A description of the failure
    • A description of any action already taken to resolve the problem
    • A description of your network environment (such as layout, cable type, other relevant environmental information)
    • Network load at the time of trouble (if known)
    • The device history (for example, if you have returned the device before, or if this is a recurring problem)
    • Any related Return Material Authorization (RMA) numbers
